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Zimní eskymování v bazénu v Benešově.

Až se jarní voda zeptá, cos dělal v zimě - budeš mít pádnou odpověď?

Pokud máš zájem zavítat a pocvičit, aby tělo vodákovo nezapomělo do jara na ten pocit zmuchlaných nohou, propláchnutých dutin a kyslíkovch deficitů, pak máš tuto zimu možnost třeba v Benešovském bazénu. Bazén je po kompletní rekonstrukci  a nepochybně v něm bude příjemně - obvzlášť při pohledu na sněhové závěje za prosklenou stěnou...

Vhodné pro kondiční potrénování a zejména vhodné pro děti a úplné začátečníky. Nejsme vodácká škola, nicméně pro případné zájemce se jistě v bazénu někdo ochotně propůjčí coby neformální poradce a zachránce při prvních eskymovacích pokusech v jedné osobě. A vlastně i zájemci o intezivní odborné vedení by nemuseli přijít zkrátka - víme, na koho tě odkázat.

Vše potřebné o termínech, pravidlech, cenách atd. se dozvíš z našeho informačního letáku, který je ke stažení zde. Případně také po telefonu - viz sekce kontakty.

Upozornění: každý účastník eskymování je povinnen před svojí návštěvou tento leták prostudovat a řídit se bezvýhradně pokyny a pravidly v něm uvedenými. Rádi bychom totiž, aby dobré vztahy s provozovatelem bazénu vydržely a eskymování v Benešově dál pokračovalo ve své tradici ku prospěchu nás vodáků ještě dlouhá léta. Díky.

AHOJ na bazénu.


 Aktualizováno -


AHoj fšichni…

Na vědomí dávám, že od příštího termínu eskymování je nutné se dopředu přihlásit. Posledně se nás sešlo celkem 6, z toho dvě děti. Je asi jasné, že při ceně pronájmu za bazén (viz. http://www.mszbenesov.cz/sluzba.php?sluzba=cenik_kb&menu=kb) , hradí pořadatel (občanské sdružení OSANN) vše, co se od přítomných ten den nevybere.  Protože OSANN nemá vlastní zdroj příjmů a dotace od velectěné vlády země ČEZké  se nejspíš opět nepovede získat, není čas na hrdinství a nelze sponzorovat bazén pro jen pár nadšenců – určitě ne v případech, kdy se sejdeme v takto „hojném“ počtu.
Takže žádám všechny zájemce, kteří mají návštěvu v plánu, aby poslali e-mailovou zprávu, nebo se přihlásili na určité datum v komentářích na webových stránkách WWW.OSANN.cz v sekci eskymování a to nejpozději do čtvrtečního večera před daným sobotním termínem eskymování. Podle počtu přihlášených pak v pátek na web pověsím informaci, zda se sobotní eskymování koná, či zda je zrušeno pro nedostatek zájmu.
Nejbližší termín eskymování je 18.12. (mimochodem taky je ten den Vánoční Sázava – koho to oslovuje, tak vězte, že po dobu cachtání v bazénu si svoje river boaty můžete uschovat ve strojovně bazénu a nenechávat je na střeše auta jako provokaci nenechavcům)
Další termín je 25.12.
Díky za pochopení, snad se to zvrhne k lepšímu.
Ahoj Mirek

aktuálně jsou na bazénu k dispozici tyto loďky:

Rodeovky - Železný Igo, Pyranha ReCoil, Pyranha Rev

Dětské - Liquidlogic Remix, Fluid SPACE, Robson Supersonic

Ostatní - Dagger Outlaw, Pyranha Zione 1, NECKY Blunt, Wawe sport EZ Big, Wawe sport Z1, Perception Method Air

Webová on-line kamera na bazénu zde.

zapsal: Mirek



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Men Dating Men: Celebrating Love and Pull

(JamesCoalo, 21. 4. 2024 15:05)

Men dating men participation out of, connecting, and the belle of relationships in their own unexcelled way.
In a everyone that embraces range and inclusivity, same-sex relationships suffer with organize their place. Men who date men navigate the joys and challenges of edifice meaningful connections based on authenticity and reciprocal understanding. They revel charity while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
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(Donaldtew, 21. 4. 2024 0:29)

Че, компаньон! Ты ищешь дельную инфу про то, для чего тебе копаться на нашем сайте? Окей, держи фишку!

Слушай, тут у нас не просто вебсайт, это кладезь знаний, где тебе предоставляется возможность выдавить всю соковитую инфу, собственно что только захочешь! Эй, да мы как что уличные братки, представляешь ли, всегда подскажем, как выручить тебя из каждой капусты.


Тут на любом углу - памятке, рекомендации, рецепты, да что угодно! Не имеет никакого значения, че ты штудируешь - кулинарию, программирование, фитнес или философию. У нас есть все варианты, как в кармане у грамотного философа.

А, и как мы запямытовали сказать, дружище, наш сайт это не только информация, это и связь с настоящими профи! Тут тебе предоставляется возможность задавать свои вопросы, делиться своими находками, обсуждать важные темы с такими же заинтересованными братками, как ты.

И не теряй время, давай, заскакивай к нам на сайт и окунись в мир познаний и общения, кот-ый мы для тебя приготовили! Так как кто понимает, имеет возможность, тут для тебя раскроются двери в свежую жизнь, как в кинокартинах!

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Exploring the Magic of Dating: Connections, Growth, and Idea

(CyharlesWance, 20. 4. 2024 10:50)

Dating is a journey that encompasses the deviltry of human connection, slighting increase, and far-out discoveries. It is a dispose of through which individuals search impractical possibilities, getting to be acquainted with each other on a deeper level. Dating allows people to appropriate experiences, truck ideas, and create consequential connections.

In the monarchy of dating, one encounters a diverse string of emotions. There's the exhilaration of meeting someone trendy, the intuition of a first swain, and the titillation of discovering common interests and shared values. It is a time of vulnerability and self-discovery as individuals obtainable themselves up to the plausibility of rapture and companionship.

Effectual communication lies at the essence of dating, facilitating sympathy and connection between two people. It involves effective listening, virtuous expression, and empathy, creating a space on authentic dialogue. Thoroughly communication, individuals can explore their compatibility, the board thoughts and dreams, and assemble a groundwork of trust.

Men Dating Men: Celebrating Angel and Bearing

(Robertkit, 20. 4. 2024 6:10)

Men dating men experience love, connecting, and the belle of relationships in their own unmatched way.
In a superb that embraces distinctiveness and inclusivity, same-sex relationships suffer with organize their place. Men who date men direct the joys and challenges of structure substantial connections based on authenticity and joint understanding. They revel charity while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Communication and stirring intimacy disport oneself a pivotal place in their relationships, fostering assurance and deepening their bond. As institute progresses close to equality, it is distinguished to distinguish and compliments the love shared between men dating men, embracing their incomparable experiences and contributions to the tapestry of anthropoid connections.

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Exploring the Hypnotic of Dating: Connections, Advancement, and Discovery

(CyharlesWance, 19. 4. 2024 1:38)

Dating is a journey that encompasses the enchanting of human coherence, personal growth, and overpowering discoveries. It is a take care of through which individuals traverse dreamt-up possibilities, getting to be acquainted with each other on a deeper level. Dating allows people to share experiences, market ideas, and design meaningful connections.

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(Download Windows 10, 15. 4. 2024 1:10)

At present, there are still many people who prefer using Windows 10 Pro than upgrading to Windows 11. When an operating system already has everything necessary for one to work with, there is little to no reason for upgrade. As a matter of fact, some users consider Windows 10 Pro as the best version Microsoft has ever made and hence they are reluctant to replace it with the latest version.

Still, just like any other Windows versions ever released by Microsoft, Windows 10 Pro isn’t completely without problems. There have been a lot of issues and some of them have affected many users’s experiences significantly in using the operating system.
Microsoft Edge is the recommended browser in Windows 10 Pro offering a simple yet sleek interface alongside a slew of features that makes browsing the web feels much more convenient than when you use Internet Explorer. It is built based on the engine that powers Google Chrome browser and yet many users believe that Microsoft Edge is faster and lighter.

Despite being an older version, Windows 10 Pro has an arguably better Start Menu than Windows 11. It might look less beautiful but it is more functional. The fact that there are plenty tutorials on how to relocate the start menu to the left of the taskbar in Windows 11 is enough of a proof that new design isn’t always better than the old one, especially if the changes is too different from the past version.

There are at least two features in Windows 10 Pro that can save your eyes. The first one is dark theme that takes effect nearly everywhere including File Explorer. The second is Night Light. While the dark theme can protect your eyes from being blinded by the bright color of the light theme, the Night Light reduces the blue light which is believed to be a prominent factor in harming one’s sight.

Another mundane feature yet so helpful is the Quick Access section in File Explorer. The files that you were last working on are listed there automatically by Windows, so you can resume whatever you were working on quickly. However, while there are users who find this useful, there also others who considers it as a privacy risk and therefore disable it.

The clipboard manager, the one that has been revamped, is extremely useful in copying and pasting items. It stores the history of copied items. When you need to paste the same item, instead of searching it and copying it again, you can just pick it up from the history. Better yet, the clipboard content can be synced across your computers via the cloud. For users who copy paste text a lot, this feature alone would be a great boost to productivity.

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Windows 10 Pro is jam-packed with tons of features that are not only very useful but also easy to use. And there are still advanced features that power users can utilize to do certain tasks even more efficiently. All in all, Windows 10 Pro fits both casual and power users. You can click the link below to download Windows 10

Link :
Download Windows 10 : https://docste.com/download-windows-10-iso
Create USB Bootable : https://docste.com/create-bootable-usb-drive-of-windows-10-and-11-using-rufus

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Exploring the Fascinating of Dating: Connections, Advancement, and Determining

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Men Dating Men: Celebrating Angel and Pull

(Albertagerm, 12. 4. 2024 14:30)

Men dating men participation tenderness, connection, and the dream of relationships in their own unique way.
In a superb that embraces range and inclusivity, same-sex relationships from develop their place. Men who obsolete men direct the joys and challenges of building expressive connections based on authenticity and complementary understanding. They revel charity while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Communication and heartfelt intimacy pleasure a essential place in their relationships, fostering positiveness and deepening their bond. As system progresses toward justice, it is distinguished to approve and compliments the care shared between men dating men, embracing their together experiences and contributions to the tapestry of kind-hearted connections.

Men Dating Men: Celebrating Harmony and Pull

(Robertkit, 12. 4. 2024 10:09)

Men dating men savoir faire get a bang, union, and the beauty of relationships in their own unexcelled way.
In a life that embraces diversity and inclusivity, same-sex relationships from found their place. Men who obsolete men sail the joys and challenges of building meaningful connections based on authenticity and joint understanding. They consecrate charity while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Communication and stirring intimacy have a good time a essential task in their relationships, fostering assurance and deepening their bond. As system progresses towards justice, it is significant to approve and regard the friendship shared between men dating men, embracing their together experiences and contributions to the tapestry of anthropoid connections.

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